Josefina from Buenos Aires 1875-1890

I was born on March 1st 1875 – At that time the Jesuit’s Saviour was burnt down – Dad: Pedro Juan Oliver y Colomar – born in Palma de Mallorca – Mum: Juanita Rebasa y Alou born in Inca (Mallorca – Paternal grandparents: Pedro Juan Oliver y Mas from Palma de Mallorca – Josefa Colomar – idem – Maternal grandparents: Gabriel Rebasa y Figuerola, from Inca, surgeon – Catalina Alou y Reus from Felanixt – Mallorca – (…) ‘I’ Autobiography Diary 16, p.163

‘YO’ Autobiografía, a los 74 años en Diario 16, pág.166, Bs As, 1949
Josefina Oliver con 17 meses – Foto Christiano Junior, Bs As 1876
Pedro Oliver con 18 años, foto s/identificación, Mallorca, España, 1868
Juana Rebasa y su hijita Mercedes Lloberas, foto J Virenque, Mallorca, España, 1869
Pedro Oliver y Mas, abuelo J Oliver, foto J Virenque, Mallorca, España, 1869
Josefa Colomar y su hijo Pedro Oliver – Foto s/ miniatura, Mallorca, España, 1858
Gabriel Rebasa, abuelo de J Oliver, Foto s/miniatura de Pedro Alcántara Peña, Mallorca, España ca. 1855
Catalina Alou de Rebasa, abuela JO, foto La Favorita, Barcelona, España, ca. 1860

In 1870, Josefina Oliver’s parents come from Palma de Mallorca, Spain to Buenos Aires on the corvette La Constancia. Juana Rebasa, widow, brings her little daughter and her mother with her. Five children are born out of the Oliver Rebasa marriage, but only Josefina and Catalina survive.

Bahía de Palma de Mallorca, España, JO copia iluminada, 1911
Corbeta Constancia Capitán Pedro Juan Oliver - 1855 abuelo JO - Acuarela de Louis Pellegrin, Marsella, Francia
Mis Antepasados, árbol genealógico por JO, Diario 11, pág.01, Mallorca, España, 1935

In 1878 Pedro Oliver stays alone to look after his daughters:

‘(…) Mum ill went to Mallorca with Granny according to doctor’s prescription (…)’ ‘I’ Autobiography Diary 16, p.166 and 167.

Juana Rebasa, madre JO, foto ampliada por JO en Lutz Ferrando s/ foto J Virenque, Bs As, Argentina, 1897

‘(…) From ‘80 to ‘83 we frequently visited Antonio Alfonso Cebrian – Dad’s close friend – we went at night, on the way back Dad carried Catalina asleep - On those times I remember there was a very big and shining comet - (…)’ ‘I’ Autobiography Diary 16, p.163

Josefina Oliver, foto Adolfo Alexander, Buenos Aires, 1880
Catalina Oliver, foto Adolfo Alexander, Buenos Aires, 1880
Gran Cometa. 65 veces más brillante que la luna llena, visto en Bs As de sept 1882 a feb 1883

Pedro Oliver is a loving father, and due to his anticlericalism he chooses, in 1881, the public education system for his daughters, established by Sarmiento years before. Josefina enjoys and remembers her school days:

‘(…) At the age of six I went to a school in Mexico St. near San José a huge old house – the headmistress Josefa Lopez Francia, Spanish – Cata and I attended there for three years – (…)’ ‘I’ Autobiography Diary 16, p.165

‘(…) In 1887 we went to the school in Lorea St. (Saenz Peña nowadays) (…) Teacher Manuela Olguin- some school mates: Panchita Bach, Ernestina Zamudio (unpleasant wall-eyed), Magdalena Olguin, etc – (…)’ ‘I’ Autobiography Diary 16, p.164

Mercedes Llobera y sus medio hermanas Josefina y Catalina Oliver ambas con uniformes escolares, foto Chute
Escuela de niñas – Foto Samuel y Arturo Boote, Bs As, 1889

At the age of 14, she has to leave school to be in charge of their home, replacing her mother afected by mental difficulties.

‘(…) In the year 1889 it was decided at home that I didn’t attend school any more – because Mercedes was getting married (…)’ ‘I’ Autobiography Diary 16, p.164.

Josefina Oliver con 14 años, foto Chute

A year later the Park Revolution in the city affects her very much:

‘(…) In the year ’90 - in July – I suffered a lot with the gunshots from the Revolution and the tramway carts that carried the injured – the Police Station was behind our house. (…)’ ‘I’ Autobiography Diary 16, p.165

Revolución del Parque, en la ciudad de Bs As, 1890

‘On August 1st ’90 we moved to 1275 Ecuador St. – having two floors – a house of my father’s built by La Edificadora’ –(…)’ ‘I’ Autobiography Diary 16, p.165

Josefina y Catalina Oliver, balcón de su casa, Ecuador 1275, Bs As, JO ampliación iluminada, Bs As, 1900